Amelia Rosa Homewood

Low Impact Blog

Friday, 15 November 2019

Eco Friendly Makeup Brands

Eco friendly makeup isn't talked to much about to much, but i will talking about tit more on this blog.

Axiology Beauty-
They sell lipsticks and lip crayons. They are vegan, cruelty free and natural (They do also say there is no legal or hard definition of natural in beauty)
Their Website

Dirty Hippie Cosmetics-
Dirty Hippie is based in australia but ships worldwide (I think) so shipping prices are high and isnt the most eco friendly but is a better option than most
Their Website

Dab Herb Cosmetics-
Their mica is ethically sourced, they are organic and a good brand to purchase from, they do ship from the US so shipping again can be expensive and the travel isn't great for the environment
Their Websites

Live In The Light-
They sell a lot of different ethical and sustainable brands.
Their Website

Fat And The Moon-
They sell skincare, makeup and deodorant.
Their Website

They are based in the UK, they are also cruelty free and organic.
Their Website

TIP- using up old un eco friendly makeup before buying new is by far the most eco friendly way to go.


Friday, 8 November 2019

Gift Ideas That Don't Hurt The Planet

Here are some ideas of gifts to give this xmas or any birthdays coming up...


a very simple gift, but it is good for most ages, and they can decide on what they spend it on.

Gift Voucher...

Quite like the last one a gift voucher to a ethical and sustainable company or shop, again they can choose what they buy to reduce unwanted and unused gifts.
Some Companies Or Good Shops Would Be...
  • Lucy and Yak
  • Reformation
  • Etsy
  • Local shops
  • Ian Snow


this is a smaller gift and one you would give to your family or close friends but a very useful and needed gift

Kitchen/Home Items

If someone you know has moved and its xmas or there birthday then pot and pans or utensils is a great and again useful gift.

Charity Shops

Don't think that buying gifts second hand is a bad thing, as long as its in good condition then it is perfectly fine, and if the person your buying for is trying to help the environment then i am sure they'll appreciate it


Thursday, 17 October 2019

Food Waste And How To Cut It Down In Your Home

Food waste is often talked about, its really important to help our environment with these four things.

Buy Less-

  • Buying the right amount of food for your family, often way less than you think.
  • Finding the right balance between buying to much that it goes off quicker than you can eat it and not driving to the store everyday, because that is also harmful to our environment.
  • Buying simple foods that will last/ could be cooked in many different meals (Tinned chopped tomatoes, simple veg, lentils.)
Wonky Food-
  • Not being afraid to buy food from that store that has bumps, wrinkles all different thing wrong because by the time you have cooked, fryed, steamed or peeled it'll be fine.
  • Also not being afraid to eat wonky slightly off food more often than not it is actually fine.
  • Making your food into leftovers, not just throwing it out.
  • putting it away in a way that your know whats inside, youll be more inclined to eat then.
  • Actually eating the leftover, making it the norm to make food and eat the leftovers all before you cook a whole new meal.
  • Looking in the fridge if there is a half cut lemon or onion before you cut into a whole new one
  • composting your food so once you have done all the things you can the food goes back into the earth, I don't know to much about composting but I know its big part on helping our environment 


Friday, 4 October 2019

Low Waste Laundry

Laundry is something that is quite a big part of low impact, for me anyway, and it took me a little while to find options. I have used Ecover since the early 2000s ish, but since then we have found more Eco friendly products to use. In this blog post I will talk about my favourite brands and things to take the extra step for the environment when doing your laundry.

One of my favourite company's to buy laundry liquid from is Mulieres they have a home compostable outer and then you can recycle the plastic innards. a very eco friendly option that you can buy very easily on whole foods website or on

Next in our house we love the Bio D washing powder. It comes straight in a paper bag and is really affordable, a lot of other brands can get quite pricey, so this is a good alternative.

Another one I love is also Bio D's, laundry liquid and fabric softener. they do come in plastic but if you don't like the laundry powder and you need a cheaper alternative then this is a good one.
Laundry liquid link
Fabric Softener Link

A Cora ball is really good product we use to catch micro plastics that come of our synthetic clothes, you can put it in your washing machine when you wash synthetic clothes, blanket ext. (Synthetic fabrics include nylon, polyester, viscose and a lot more.) Another product to catch micro plastics is a guppy bag/friend, that you put your clothes into to wash, and it grabs all the micro plastics and stop them going into our water cycle.
Cora Ball Link
Guppy Friend Link

Also washing your clothes on a cold wash and not tumble drying are also good tips to help our planet.

Monday, 30 September 2019

How I Buy Eco Friendly Clothes Cheap

Hello, in this blogpost I will be talking about how i buy my clothes without harming the enviroment to much but without having to buy clothes from very expensive ethical clothing brands.

I think having a few items in your closet that are more expensive and high quality, but having a wardrobe full can be a bit expensive.

I love Lucy and Yak dungarees, tops, jumpers all that, they have even come out with underwear, but they can be quite expensive. So on Depop they have a shop where they sell ever so slightly damaged clothing for a cheaper price!

There is of course Ebay which i love and is very easy to use and buy second hand clothing.

Asos marketplace i have not done a ton of research on how sustainable they are, but they have a ton of independent shops on there and so many different styles.

If you live in the US then thredUP is a really good online thrift store.

Etsy for the most part are expensive but, there are quite a few affordable shops, and vintage items.

Upcycling clothing you already own or you bought from a charity shop, depop or maybe ebay.

The most sustainable and Eco friendly thing to do is to give your items long lives and buy items that you will love and you know make you feel happy when you're wearing them. also trying not to impulse buy, but to think for a day or two about the item to wait if you still like it and really want to be able to wear it everyday.

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

5 Ethical Clothing Companys

Cora Ball -
If you look on a item of clothing in your wardrobe you may find it has plastic in it, although these materials are called synthetics. For instance nylon, viscose and polyester, there are so many more but it is all words that don't sound quite right. Those materials, when you wash them little tiny pieces of plastic come off and go straight into our water system, but there so tiny water systems can't clean it out. But the Cora ball catches all those to prevent micro-plastics in drinking water.

Adorned Duo-
The adorned duo are a mother daughter store who sell fair-trade items and all there clothes are made from Eco friendly materials.

Lucy And Yak -
Lucy and yak are independent and are known for dungarees but have recently gone into more coats and bags. They sell responsible made items, and have a lot of items made from recycled material, and have an organic cotton range.

Depop is a great platform to sell your things, but also to sell and buy things from independent and often fairly traded items.

Boody- This shop sells basic items made from bamboo and are also organic.

Organic Basics-
It is quite self explanatory but organic basics, sell organic basics!

Lost Shapes-
They are an independent store that sell items from recycled material. There tops are also sourced from manufacturers that are held to account by the independent Fair Wear Foundation.


Wednesday, 24 October 2018

How To Plan Your Month For You

The Month Of November (My favourite) is coming up and in this blog post I am going to tell you how to plan it for keeping your mental state happy, self discovery and self love, all things that are vital to keep us happy.


  • My Gratitude Book
In my gratitude book i don't just use it for gratitude I use it to.
  1. Set Intentions In the Morning
  2. Say What Went Well In The Evening
  3. 3 things within 3 subjects
How I Set Each Morning Out
3 thing I love about myself:
3 things I love about my life:
3 things I am grateful for:
I usually write 3 subject and three things in each subject, and the subject do change according to my needs

How I Set Out Each Evening Out

What went well today:
3 things I love about myself:
3 things I love about my life:
3 things I am grateful for:

In my Bullet Journal I have 2 pages.
  1. Emotion Tracker 
  2. Habit Tracker
In my emotion tracker it is a wheel and it is split into 28 30 or 31 wedges (Depending on how many days in that month) and in each wedge I write down my emotions from that day.

In my habit tracker it is like any old habit tracker, but I really like it because it it can help me see if i missed something that day, maybe that is way I was unhappy (I would see that in emotion tracker.)

At the begging of each week I do a mind check up. Which is sort of like stream of conscouisness but it is mainly focused on my thoughts in my mind and of the way I have been feeling mentally.
In the same book after i finish the mind check up i round it up into  a page I call NEWNESS. In this page I round up things I want to add more of in my life, to give you some ideas:
  • Reading
  • meditation
  • Journal
  • new project
  • Ayurveda
  • yoga 
  • time management
  • art
  • early mornings
  • early nights
  • routines
  • no tech time
  • self care/me time
  • walking
  • running
  • slowing down
  • prioritising to dos
  • decide on a new project
  • take away a project if you have to much on
  • no plastic
  • vegan, or vegan 3 days a week (But recommend all the time.) 
  • drink more herbal tea
 But of course these are going to be tailored to your needs.


Monday, 15 October 2018

No Poo

7 months ago I decided to stop using conventional hair care in general, shampoo, conditioner, hair oils.

I use just water to clean hair as in my area we have soft water, and I do that 2 times a week, but there many different things to use such as:

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • bicarbonate of soda 
  • soap nuts (A VIDEO on soap nuts)

Finding something to use is different for all hair types. I have thin hair but a lot of hair. 

When i went no poo, my hair started growing in length and in thickness, it is so much more soft and less straggly. I have barley as many split ends after cutting my hair, and so it is 10x stronger. It is exactly the same as shampoo, but i have found much less build up and my hair can not get as greasy as quick.

After one month my hair started to feel really crunchy and groggy, very greasy. But it only lasted 2 weeks, I think the reason it lasted such a short time is because before hand i was only washing it twice a week. I recommend slowing down and reducing how much shampoo/ hair care you use to about once a week over the period of i would say 3 months. 
If you keep brushing your hair it will spread the oils go down the ends of your hair, and keep going through the process of greasy, waxy hair as it will end.

Reasons No Poo Is More Environmental;
  • No packaging, as even though shampoo bars don't have packaging, but there is more in the process of making it.
  • Ingredients, some ingredients in shampoo and hair care is really bad for the environment, with deforestation and so death or extinction of animals (Here is VIDEO on how make up is bad for the environment, talking about deforestation and animal extinction.)
  • Hairs health, i felt stripping back my hair most days felt wrong and unnatural.


Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Hygge And Cosiness

Hyyge , a feeling of cosiness and pure inner joy, one of my favourite terms.

It can be done all round the world cold and warm, but my favourite time to celebrate Hygge is Autumn and Winter, my favourite time of the year anyway, but still my favourite time to do Hygge.

My Favourite Ways To Do Hyyge:

Warm Lighting,
Friends And Family Round, with board games, and all of the above,
Relaxing Lavender Essential Oils,
Books, Such As A Christmas Carol, Or Loin The Witch And The Wardrobe,
Warm Tea,
Meditation Music All The Time,

But Most Of All CHRISTMAS!
I know it is only Autumn but still, it is a magical time of year why only celebrate it one month a year.

Thank you for Reading, I hope maybe you have some ideas for Hygge filled month.
I have a YouTube Channel. I will see you next week !


Saturday, 29 September 2018

I'm Back!

Hello Friends,
I am back on my blog, there will be a new theme on here to spice things up again.

I have so many new ideas for it and i hope you enjoy. I will be uploading once a week!

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Simple ways to live more sustainable

Little changes to make the world less full of wasted plastic.....

Bamboo toothbrushes:
An amazing little switch that will have no actual change to your life, i buy mine from amazon but if you have a bulk shop or any kind of health food store try and buy from there instead. No toothbrush that has been made will ever leave our planet that scared me more than not being able to just pop to the shop and crisps and meat.

Stainless steel bottles:
Again switch that will have no effect on your life what so ever, other than your drink being colder or warmer depending on the drink. I love mine i got mine from a bulk food store in London called the store bulk foods, and its amazing keeps your water much colder and tea is warm for ages.

Re-usable bags:
I am very sure you have heard of these i love them, just keep a few in the back of your car and you'll be ready to go and think of all the plastic bags you'll save.

Charity/thrift stores:
 I love charity shopping its a win for everyone, you get cheep clothes money goes to charitys and you are reusing old clothes.

Thank you for reading my little tips on living more sustainable if all of us do a little bit it will do huge differences.
I have a YouTube Channel where i post more videos on zero waste, minimalism and a few random ones here and there, I did also make a video on this.
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