Low Impact Blog

Monday 8 January 2018

Ways To Sleep

Some helpful tips for the nights when you just can't sleep....

Lately I haven't been able to get some sleep. So I did a bit of research, and here are some tips that really helped me.

1: How to block out noise, my brother is really quite loud at night and so I find it really hard to sleep, using my amazon Echo I play a playlist from spotify called peaceful piano. I find this blocks out noise, but in a relaxing way.

2: Once a week or once every two weeks, have a really relaxing bath. I dont have it every night though as I wouldn't be very eco friendly, and I would get used to it and I wouldn't be a treat. Trust me, it adds up over time.

3: To not check the time. As hard as it is, it makes you stressed about not having enough sleep, which makes you think about more things.

4: Visualise your self asleep. Close your eyes and see yourself asleep, say to your self how you feel, how relaxed you are. This sends me straight asleep.

5: Worry time and evening stream of consciousness. This is for all those people who can't sleep for thinking so much or worrying. Stream of  consciousness is where you write anything that comes to mind, unedited. Worry time is in the morning or evening write down what you worry about, and have a little think about them. When I write them down I realise how silly they are and that they never in 1 million years would. I most defiantly recommend doing these.

6: Leg exercises. Don't make these to hardcore, but light leg exercise is one of the main thing that helps me. It gets your blood circulation in your legs go, or something like that

Thank you so much for reading, I hope now you can finally get a good nights rest. I also have a YouTube Channel. I post on there every Monday at 6pm UK time, and here i post 2 times a week (Monday & Friday,) at 77:40 pm UK time.

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