Low Impact Blog

Friday 19 January 2018

Things I Use To Organise.

What Methods I Use To Organise Different Things....

For work, blog and YouTube work, I have a bullet journal and I explain for about me bullet journal in my last BLOG POST. I really love having this to stay organised and make sure I am scheduling ahead of time.

Then for uploads and keeping that organised I just use the calendar on my laptop. It is really handy, even though I sort of have it in my bullet journal, to see when and what I am uploading.

But I don't use my bullet journal for the little to-dos not for work or my personal life. So for my little to-dos I use Wunderlist. It is an amazing app for the little to-dos for the future.

Lastly my day-to-day To dos I just use a little notepad that I wright each night (For the morning) my to-dos for the day and things I want to do, then at the end of the day I rip it of and start fresh for the next day.
I also use this notepad to jot down any quick ideas so then I can remember to put into its right app or notebook.

Thank you for reading! I hope you had a good time reading and I have tons more for you to check out, but if you prefer videos I have a YouTube Channel, I post on there every Monday and here Monday and Friday.


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