Low Impact Blog

Monday 1 January 2018

5 Healthy Habits To Take Up In 2018.

5 healthy habits to take up in 2018 that will benefit your life....
(I have also done 5 more on my YouTube Here)

1. First is no something you do. It is a bad habit to break. So for instance you have a bad sleeping pattern, you can break that bad habit in 2018.

2.Start your day of early and make it slow and peaceful, take time to do skincare have a nice long shower, have a cup of tea and, (In that Summer) sit outside with it. Things like that will make your day nice and relaxed.

3. Take up stream of consciousness, there is a lot of videos out there on it, but to sum it up. You get a notebook and every morning (Or whenever you feel it necessary, fit it to your schedule it can be once or week or a month or whenever really,) you write in it whatever comes into your mind. (Again how ever many pages you think is necessary.I do two or how ever much I need it.) Don't worry about spelling, no one is ever going to see this, and probably not even you. If agggdfdggf comes into your mind then write it. The way it can benefit you is that it can find anything that is bad in your subconscious, and sort it out. its also a way to have gratitude and also be organised, because everything you need to do comes out then (I usually underline it so I can go back and find it.)

4. This is one may be two but there related. The first one is try new food. It wont hurt to try them you'll just get a weird taste in your mouth for bit, but then you may love them and its really good to have a wide selection of food that you like for many different reasons. The second one is about being vegan/vegetarian, this is of course what you think is right for you lifestyle. But if you where thinking about going vegetarian/vegan, try it for a week or a month. Me and my friend tried going vegan for a month, there where few mistakes but that fine. She manly did for a month, but I had to stop after 2 weeks as I lost a lot of weight. I am already vegetarian, but it was still a huge effort and change. Vegetarian is the way for me, but it may be good for you, and extremely healthy if you eat the right things.

5. Meditation which i'm sure you know the benefits on doing it, but I wanted to add it in here because I want to do 10 minutes each day and it is a really good de-stresser.

Thank for reading, I upload on Monday and Friday at 6 pm. I also have a main YouTube, also a an extra Channel.


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