Low Impact Blog

Monday, 30 September 2019

How I Buy Eco Friendly Clothes Cheap

Hello, in this blogpost I will be talking about how i buy my clothes without harming the enviroment to much but without having to buy clothes from very expensive ethical clothing brands.

I think having a few items in your closet that are more expensive and high quality, but having a wardrobe full can be a bit expensive.

I love Lucy and Yak dungarees, tops, jumpers all that, they have even come out with underwear, but they can be quite expensive. So on Depop they have a shop where they sell ever so slightly damaged clothing for a cheaper price!

There is of course Ebay which i love and is very easy to use and buy second hand clothing.

Asos marketplace i have not done a ton of research on how sustainable they are, but they have a ton of independent shops on there and so many different styles.

If you live in the US then thredUP is a really good online thrift store.

Etsy for the most part are expensive but, there are quite a few affordable shops, and vintage items.

Upcycling clothing you already own or you bought from a charity shop, depop or maybe ebay.

The most sustainable and Eco friendly thing to do is to give your items long lives and buy items that you will love and you know make you feel happy when you're wearing them. also trying not to impulse buy, but to think for a day or two about the item to wait if you still like it and really want to be able to wear it everyday.
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